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Saved Schedules Permissions Req. Site Administrators. Schedulers Manager. Coordinator.. The Saved Schedules Tool allows sites to create standardized Shifts that can be uploaded quickly to the Calenda…
Updated 5 months ago by Shiftboard Support
The Event ID is a shift field that enables you to group together like shifts using a code of your choosing. Even though this is an open text field, the search functionality is able to search on the c…
Updated 2 years ago by Shiftboard Support
Shiftboard's Bulk Change tool allows Site Administrators and Managers to specify which shifts to apply edits to all of them at once. Take the following steps to bulk change shifts. Go to the Calendar…
Updated 3 months ago by Shiftboard Support
Shiftboard’s Absenteeism tool can allow your workers to call out of their own shifts, and mark themselves as absent without a manager needing to log in. You can control the reasons your workers have…
Shifts can be added into the system by going to Calendar > Schedule > Add. Select Add Shifts - Single or Repeat Positions to create an ad hoc shift or a series of shifts within your ScheduleFlex site…
Custom shift fields can be added to track additional information specific to your organization. This data may be visible to your workers within each of their shifts based on visibility settings for e…
Standby is a tool that creates lists of members who can fill in for an unconfirmed shift. The tool either automatically puts members in the unconfirmed shift or notifies members on the standby list o…
Site Administrators and Managers can add shifts into the calendar in ScheduleFlex. To get started, go to Calendar > Schedule. Select Add and a pop up will appear with options. Below is a brief overvi…
The Demand Planner can be used with forecast data from the ACD to create shifts on the Calendar for a specific workgroup (Team). There are many steps to using this feature, but understanding how they…
The Assigning Shifts feature is used when assigning members to shifts. Deciding how to assign a member changes based on an organization's needs. Options include (1) bulk assign, (2) single select, (3…
The Shiftboard Calendar is accessible by selecting the Calendar menu at the top of the screen on any page. On the calendar, shifts are displayed in either red or green. Green shifts that have a membe…
Site Administrators and Managers can delete shifts individually or in bulk. Deleted shifts cannot be recovered, so it is important to only delete shifts that do not need to be retained in reporting.…
Updated 2 years ago
Using a template to upload shifts is an easy way to add several shifts to the calendar at once. You need to use one of the upload templates from your site to perform this function. Please do not make…
Shiftboard Acknowledgement tool gives members a way to respond to a shift assignment by email or Premium SMS if an organization has that tool enabled. There are a variety of ways to set up this tool,…
The Sign-Up Lists tool is one of three ways shifts can be assigned in Shiftboard. This method allows members to express interest in a shift by adding their name to an electronic Sign-Up List. Their m…
The Duplicate/Copy-Forward Existing Schedule tool allows Site Administrators and Managers to copy shifts from a period of time and add them to a future date range. Shifts can remain assigned to the s…
There are various ways to configure what you see on the calendar when you log into Shiftboard. You can configure the weekly calendar views, what information is shown high level, and what details are…
Shiftboard's Tradeboard tool allows members to put up their shifts for trade, essentially to get them covered by someone else without getting a Manager involved. Once this tool is activated on the si…
ScheduleFlex now makes time zones more visible throughout the product. The time zones can be added to the site based on where shifts are created. Schedulers can choose the shift time zone as they cre…
Updated 1 year ago by Shiftboard Support
Multi-Select Action Workflow (Admin Console) In order to provide a more ad-hoc bulk actions approach in ScheduleFlex, Shiftboard introduces the new ‘Select’ workflow in the Admin Console. To activate…
Updated 3 months ago by Eric Seeder
Shift Pattern Uploads allow schedulers to build out and upload shifts in patterns for a schedule period instead of specifying one day at a time. The Days of Week Shift Pattern Upload template is idea…