All Categories > Articles by Role > For Site Administrators > Permission Levels
Permission Level Overview - Site Administrator. ScheduleFlex breaks Permissions into two categories: Site and Team Site Permissions allow those maintaining the Site, the ability to control how the so…
Updated 5 months ago by Shiftboard Support
Site Administrator. Site Administrators control ScheduleFlex at the Site Level, giving them the ability to tailor the Site to the needs of the business. Thought Site Admins have the ability to hold a…
Site Administrators have global access to an organization's Shiftboard site and can delete users, change shifts, update financial and security settings, and make other edits to features or settings.…
Updated 2 years ago
Manager is a Team-specific permission level. Managers have all of the permissions they need to do all of the scheduling for their team. They can add, change, delete, assign, unassign, publish, and un…
Updated 2 years ago by Shiftboard Support
A coordinator is a Team-specific permission level. The Coordinator permission level can be leveraged for a number of purposes depending on the needs of an organization. Coordinators can add, change,…
Managers of a Team can fully manage a team including adding/inviting new members, changing team settings and membership levels, posting and approving new team items, assigning items to members, viewi…