Mobile Browser Interface - Account
Account and Account Update
Members will have the ability to view their Account details such as Contact Information, setting up Notifications, and password management.
Accessing Account
To Access your Account, hover your icon over your name in the top righthand corner of the page and click My Account.

Account Tab
The Account Tab will be made up mainly of your Contact Information including name, address, language, and timezone.
You will also have the ability to edit those fields as well as your Notifications, Account Photo, view your Attendance Points, and access your QR Code (if used by your company). Clicking the Edit Icon will give you access to update fields.

Profile Data
Most Sites will utilize Profile tabs for additional data such as Emergency Contact Information. These tabs may vary in their titles or fields shown. For more information on your site's requirements, please contact your Primary Contacts or Admins.

To Note: Not all sites us the same fields and some fields may have restrictions on who can edit. For any questions, please contact your Site Administrators.